
web development

I use coding languages (think HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python) to build, create and maintain websites; I do the work that happens behind the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well with a seamless user experience.

web design

I plan, create and code internet sites and web pages, many of which combine text with sounds, pictures, graphics and video clips. I'm responsible for creating the design and layout of a website or web pages. It and can mean working on a brand new website or updating an already existing site.

data management

I supervise a company's data systems and ensures they are organized, stored and secure. Depending on the size of the company, I might work in a team of data operators or as an individual. I'm responsible for safeguarding all the data that a company owns.


Software Developer Technical Lead

Yogaya Inc

August 2020 - Present

Build high performing and low latency single / hybrid cloud (AWS) infrastructures. Next generation DevOps continuous integration and deployment pipelines.

Design and build serverless web and mobile applications from scratch

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An Adventure in Language that helps you move away from rote memorization and focuses on giving you an attack strategy that could be applied to any word through Latin and Greek roots. A conversational approach allows you to put the grammar into a practical context, and really understand how it works, on a practical and intuitive level. The goal is to communicate fluently in English, to be able to expand upon ideas, comfortably, clearly and with confidence, and especially, to have fun!

phpreactnode js

Spectral Workbench is a web based application to collect, archive, share, and analyze spectral data, for Public Lab DIY spectrometers and other spectrometers. With it, you can: connect your USB Desktop Spectrometry Kit, scan and save samples, wavelength calibrate your spectrometer, plot light intensity as a function of wavelength (average digital consumer cameras have a range of 400 to 700 nm), create sets of multiple spectra to visually compare and analyze scans, download CSV data for offline analysis, view others' data and discuss

Ruby on RailsJavascript

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